
God’s Word: Scripture—Tradition—Office is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this book Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, presents the Word of God as a living reality in the Church. God’s Word, according to Ratzinger, is encountered in the Bible, in Tradition, and through the teaching office of the bishop, who, through apostolic succession, is to be the servant of and witness to the divine Word. Ratzinger examines as well the relationship between the episcopacy...

of Western Christianity, as, for instance, it reappears in the correspondence between Harnack and Peterson. Peterson, in thanking Harnack for his essay on “The Old Testament in the Pauline Epistles and the Pauline Communities”, also pointed out that Harnack, in the account he gave of the relationship between Scripture and scriptural interpretation, was articulating, not the Protestant, but the Catholic principle. Harnack replied, “It is a truism, that the so-called ‘formal principle’ of early Protestantism
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